Are monthly payments required? |
No. Monthly payments are not required for the life of the loan. |
Yes (usually interest only). For an initial draw-down period, then payments increase to amortize loan balance. |
Is credit line growth guaranteed? |
Yes. Undrawn credit line balance grows at the same rate charged on balance owed. |
No. The credit line amount does not grow, and access to funds stop at the end of the initial withdrawal term. |
Is there a mandatory payoff date? |
No. Repayment is not required as long as any borrower continues to reside in the property, and the loan remains in good standing. |
Yes. For the initial period, the borrower is paying interest only, then the loan balloons and payments increase dramatically. |
Can my lender freeze/limit access to funds? |
No. Funds can be accessed any time during the life of the loan, and lenders cannot freeze access to funds, as long as it is in good standing. |
Yes. Access to funds is limited to the initial draw-down period, normally the first 7 to 10 years. Most HELOC’s also enable lenders to freeze access with notice. |
Can I (or my heirs) ever be held liable for more than the value of the home? |
No. The balance owed can never exceed property value at the time of repayment. |
Yes. Borrower(s) are personally liable for any deficiency plus legal collection and collection cost. |